Hi there!
My name's Alex. I'm an illustrator, graphic designer, photographer, and fine artist based in Louisville, KY.  I've mostly worked in the print design industry, but I've branched out and tried out a little bit of everything, from web and UX design to audio and video production.
I'm a big ol' nerd, an art buff, a people pleaser, and a creative with a lot of passion and pride about the work get behind and the wonderful people I get to work with and for. I love to help my community, both in the micro and macro levels, and try to put out work that helps and enables other creators to contribute.
My philosophy for art and design is something very close to my heart. Art (and especially design,) is such an incredibly powerful tool that has the potential to influence the world in so many different ways. You never know whose heart your work will touch, and because of that, it's so important that the work you do is positive, empowering, and empathetic.
Anyways, thank you for stopping by!

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